Nail biting is a process by which a person tries coping with a minor or major stress in his life. As for children, nail biting is a common behavior associated to a nervous habit.
Anxiety, pressure, bullying, are things that parents aren’t always aware of in their child’s life.
To help your child stop biting his nails:
-It’s good to know the hidden reasons of this behavior. Is it due to a major change like divorce, new baby born, death of a parent, recent move?
-Identify the trigger and find the relationship between the emotional state and the urge of biting.
-Avoid punishing your child because this habit is unconscious and he can’t control it, if you stress him more you risk to increase this behavior.
-Distract him.
-your child’s nail trimmed and short so he will have less nail to bite.
-Make sure your child has enough activity during the day: swimming, basketball, playing music… to burn the tension and relax.
-In most cases nail biting won’t last; but If you see that your child has severe nail biting that makes his finger sore or bloody, it’s better to consult a doctor; this can be a sign of excessive anxiety that should be treated.