f-6When you have a broken arm or leg, you go to the doctor to help you, and when you have emotional problems or some difficulties at school you see a psychologist. Tell your child that he doesn’t have to worry about anything because a psychologist will not harm him, he will only play and talk to him and that he has no needles and no medications.
– It’s good to identify the problem with your child, tell him the reason why you think he should see a psychologist. Ex:” fighting a lot in school, having low grades…”
– Introduce the psychologist to your child before the first meeting. Let him know his name, where the office is located, how long the session is, and what kind of things he will be doing.
– Be honest with your child, and let him know that anything he says to the therapist is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone else without his permission.
When your child knows these information before the first appointment, he will feel more conformable and secure